Victoria Barham
(VB Analytics)
Apteco marketing software
Victoria has over eight years' Apteco marketing software experience and offers consultancy for all aspects within Apteco FastStats® and FastStats Excelsior™ - from practical guidance on best practice to developing a reporting suite. Victoria has extensive excel and visual basic skills to further enhance your Apteco software solution.
Rachel Schaafsma
(MorganJoslin Ltd)
Apteco marketing software
We Are MoJo are experienced data strategy consultants helping clients to work with their data to achieve their business ambitions and deliver a commercial return. A business already using Apteco FastStats® is already on a strong, positive data journey, and We Are MoJo can offer strategic support and direction to optimise the application and impact of your data to your business and marketing.
Tim Pentreath
(Aszent Solutions Ltd)
Apteco marketing software
Tim has fifteen years' experience using FastStats and the Apteco software. His skills include designing, building and implementing FastStats systems, as well as producing analysis and insight from clients' own data using FastStats and Excelsior. Tim is a certified trainer in the FastStats Base and Modelling modules and can offer bespoke training using client data.